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Skilled Migration to Australia

There is an opportunity for qualified and skilled people to permanently settle and work in Australia. The program through which you can apply for permanent settlement is known as Australian General Skilled Migration Program. You have to satisfy Australians immigration authorities regarding your specific area of skill your qualification and your language ability to work there. Through Australian General Immigration Program.
Skilled workers can use their work experience, qualification and language ability to fulfill requirements of Immigration Authorities to get permanent visa for Australia.


There are two categories under Australian General Immigration Program to get visa for skilled workers. These categories are Onshore & Offshore. There is an other option which is for independent and sponsored applicants. Through Onshore visa category only the applicants who are already in Australia under an eligible visa can apply for permanent settlement in Australia. Offshore visa category is for those skilled workers who aren’t in Australia at the of applying to visa. They apply outside to Australia. Most applicants are lying in this category. Under the category of sponsored immigrant, only those candidate who are sponsored by Australian year on year or Australian state/territory government can apply. Sponsored visa has some extra requirements or some time a bond must be paid.

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